Meet CKFS Board Members: Pam and Ron Schmidt

Ron and Pam Schmidt have been dedicated CK Family Services board members from the very beginning. Their journey with CKFS began in Minnesota in 1974 when they met Bill and Karen Lund. Ron and Bill worked together in business for ten years, developing a strong bond and friendship. Ron fondly recalls, “We had a deep trust. He was one of my closest friends.”

The partnership between the Schmidts and the Lunds blossomed into a lifelong friendship. When Karen and Bill envisioned starting a faith-based foster care agency, the Schmidts were eager to help make it a reality. With Bill’s experience in business and home health, and Karen’s background in healthcare and her heart for foster care, shaped by observing her parents take in teens during their later years, they were perfectly suited for the task. Pam remembers, “It was God-ordained. Bill and Karen were the inspiration. We wanted to support them any way we could.” Inspired by the Lunds’ passion, faith, and Mr. Bill’s almost magical connection with children—especially those who were hurting—the Schmidts eagerly joined the board to assist in any way they could.

Ron and Pam have two grown children who live near them in Minneapolis and are blessed with eight grandchildren. They delight in spending time with their family. Pam says, “If I had been 20 years younger when CK Family Services started, I would have adopted a few more myself!”

Living out of state, their primary roles as board members are to support the agency in daily prayer—for the foster parents and the children—and to promote growth. They provide an outside perspective to help the company stay on vision, offering fresh eyes and insight. They support the staff and management and have watched and advised Daniel as he took on the CEO role. “He’s a bold leader and passionately carries the torch passed to him. Bill would be proud.”

One of their most memorable experiences on the board was visiting families with Bill and Karen in the early days. They recall the joy of interacting with parents, seeing the children, and witnessing the happiness in the homes. Pam reflects, “Seeing it in action just showed us how special the foster parents are.”

Reflecting on their journey, Pam says, “Having God at the center has been very important and a big part of the success. We give the glory to God. We don’t always know what’s coming, but God knows. This is His company.” Ron shares his driving verse of Matthew 19:14 when “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” He says, “We are all called to different degrees, but we’re called to do this kind of work—mission work. To me, that’s what it is. It’s a ministry. I didn’t have the original vision, but I know very well the people who did.”

The Schmidts are prayer warriors, serving best by lifting up the agency from afar. Ron acknowledges, “The biggest challenge for the future is fundraising. A lot of people think the state covers the expenses, but they definitely do not. We depend on outside funding and donations to make everything work. It’s a challenge and always has been.” Pam adds, “I want the foster parents to know there are people out there supporting them and praying for them daily. Lifting them up. I know there are tough days. But God hears our prayers and is intervening, giving them strength to get through another day.”