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Healing Youth Through Partnerships with Local ISDs

School-age kids have been through A LOT the last few years. Their young minds have experienced and adapted to remote learning, growing up in a digital age, safety concerns in schools, and the effects that come with it. Educators have also been through A LOT. In addition to what the kids are experiencing (and whatever dangerous TikTok trends are born from it), they’re short staffed and burdened with behaviors resulting from the stress.

International Women’s Month, Our Sheroes – Dr. Linda Garcia

Dr. Linda Garcia, Senior vice-president of 2inGage, didn’t start her journey in the foster care system from the authority of an office chair. Instead, she started off in Vietnam during peak war times.


In her primary years, Garcia was raised by her grandmother. It was a joyful union and Garcia earnestly preferred the arrangement. However, the chaos of the Vietnam War proved to be an imminent threat to her wellbeing. At the age 9, her grandmother orchestrated her reunification with her biological mother in America.



CK Family Services Launches Foster Family Matters Podcast

Co-hosted by Shawn Wilson, Ryan North, and Lori Fangue, LPC; Foster Family Matters provides show listeners with insightful discussion around topics relevant to all parents and especially those parenting children who have experienced trauma. Initial show topics include Felt Safety:  Why Knowing we are Safe is not EnoughWhat is Trauma?, and Self-Regulation: Just Breathe . . .
