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The Emotion Thermometer: A Simple Way to Talk About Feelings

Helping kids identify and express their emotions is an essential part of fostering emotional intelligence and healthy communication. The "Emotion Thermometer" is a simple, engaging tool that makes it easier for children to understand and express their feelings while learning how to manage them effectively.

How It Works

The Emotion Thermometer activity is easy to create and even easier to use. Here are the steps to get started:

The Fruit of Perseverance

As a teenager I listened to a classmate play the piano and I was absolutely amazed at his ability to dance his fingers across the keys like a concert virtuoso. He could listen to any song from Elton John to Floyd Cramer (listen to “Last Date” and you will understand) and play it perfectly by ear. I innocently said to him, “Man, I wish I could play the piano like you!” He paused and turned on his bench and replied, “no you don’t. If you wanted to, you could play, maybe not by ear, but you could be good.

4 Effective Tips for Managing Back‑to‑School Anxiety

The return to school after a break can evoke mixed emotions for students of all ages. The anticipation of new classes, teachers, and routines can lead to a sense of anxiety. However, with the right strategies, you can help your child or teen in foster care navigate these emotions and start the school year with confidence. Here are four effective tips to help handle back-to-school anxiety:

7 Ways to Help Prevent Child Abuse

This month is “National Child Abuse Prevention Month.” In April, we are encouraged to give special focus to joining together to diminish and hopefully end the abuse of children. Child abuse is a significant problem that affects all aspects of a child’s life, from physical and mental health to their future prospects. Child abuse prevention is a challenge that requires the involvement of everyone in society. One may ask, “What can I do?” The complete answer to that would require a book, but here are a few suggestions.

Leveling the Playing Field

Accepting the risk of joining the ranks of stereotypical males sharing sports analogies, I find this an appropriate venue. Imagine, if you will, that your favorite NFL team has reached the Super Bowl and the coin toss is about to happen in order to determine which team kicks off. Right before the referee flips the coin, he pauses and looks at your team captain and says, “Oh, shoot man, we forgot to tell you – there is no passing tonight. We sent a memo to the other guys a couple weeks ago.” In that moment, he tilted the playing field and gave an unfair advantage to your adversary.

Healing Youth Through Partnerships with Local ISDs

School-age kids have been through A LOT the last few years. Their young minds have experienced and adapted to remote learning, growing up in a digital age, safety concerns in schools, and the effects that come with it. Educators have also been through A LOT. In addition to what the kids are experiencing (and whatever dangerous TikTok trends are born from it), they’re short staffed and burdened with behaviors resulting from the stress.