CK Family Services is excited to welcome Michelle Rivera as our new Central Texas Area Director for Foster Care. She is charged with getting the word out to the Central Texas community that CK Family Services (CKFS) is present, active, and ready to help serve children and families. As of September 12th, 2023, combined with the efforts of the Community Engagement and Family Development teams, our first 3 foster families in the area were verified!
“It’s been really fruitful,” Michelle said. “But we still have a long way to go.”
Michelle is no stranger to CKFS. After making a career change in her early 30’s, she joined our team as a case manager fresh out of university. The shift in her professional trajectory happened after she got an internship with another foster care agency and, “[her] heart tugged towards kids in the system without basic necessities like love, shelter, and family,” Michelle said. As someone who grew with a strong familial base she said she wanted other children to experience that level of support as well.
Since joining CK as an early graduate, and until her return over a decade later; Michelle has gotten her masters, mentored a new generation of social workers, and been a part of 73 adoptions!

“It’s great to see the goals we put in place come to fruition. It’s overwhelming. I shed a tear when I saw my first family,” Michelle said.
In both her personal and professional life, Michelle’s goals include continued growth. Her motto is simple yet powerful, “always be hungry to learn more.” Her approach to teamwork and leadership centers on trust, honesty, and authenticity; fostering a positive and collaborative environment.
In welcoming Michelle Rivera as our Central Texas Area Director for Foster Care, CK Family Services is thrilled to have a dedicated and passionate leader on board. Her commitment is evident as she takes on the crucial role of expanding CK Family Services Central Texas. If you encounter Michelle, please extend her a warm welcome; as we work together to make a difference in the lives of children and families across our state.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more about becoming a foster or adoptive parent in central Texas please contact Michelle at or 254-242-0009. Our current counties of service in Region 7 (Central Texas) include: McLennan, Bosque, Bell, Hill, Falls, Limestone, Coryell, Williamson, Mills, Lampasas, Hamilton, and Freestone.