Did you know that children in treatment foster care are often the least likely to be chosen for adoption? These children spend more time in government offices and temporary foster families than in the care of a loving and fulfilling family. We believe there is a stigma associated with adopting children with different needs. Our team CK Family Services has put together this guide to help you better understand the treatment foster care program. Read on to learn more and contact us today.

Why Do Children End Up in Foster Care?
Many of the children in foster care are going through a crisis, especially in their family of origin. There are many reasons why children end up in foster care. For example, cases of neglect and abuse are often referred to foster care systems. Additionally, if a child has gone through a traumatic experience such as an unsafe home environment or maybe the incarceration of a parent, then they may be placed in foster care.
Specialized Needs for Children
Children in the treatment foster care system require special needs that will help rehabilitate them into society. This is primarily because, in this system, the foster home is the primary treatment center for the foster child. Specialized needs may include providing medical and educational resources. Other types of specialized needs may require addressing inappropriate behaviors that counter social norms.

Training Treatment Foster Care Parents
Potential treatment foster care parents go through rigorous training before an assignment. There is often a 37 hour long training before acquiring a license. Treatment foster care parents also learn about complex coping skills and highly challenging scenarios. Additionally, trainees require ongoing support and a high level of guidance after obtaining a license. This is perhaps why they also have to complete approximately 28 hours of additional training after getting a license.
Increasing Acceptance
One of the best ways to support treatment foster care systems is by fighting the stigma attached to children with special needs. If these children are not accepted by society, the treatment foster care system will suffer. Currently, the system is facing a dearth of resources that will help place children in proper care. Because of this, there are also many unlicensed and unregulated foster care parents in society.

We believe that one of the primary reasons the treatment foster care system is overwhelmed and underperforming is because it is misunderstood. The stigma attached to children with special needs reduces their likelihood of getting placed in a foster care system. Our team at CK Family Services strives to help such children find forever homes. Every child’s life matters. Help us find them a forever home.
Learn more about our treatment foster care program and contact us today.