“You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”
– Rabindranath Tagore
Countless times adults have come to me for counsel feeling stagnated in their lives. For example, many have wanted to go to college but they continually put it off as the years pass. One particular individual was a school paraprofessional and 42 years old. I told her what I normally say, “You can be 45 with a degree or 45 without a degree. Either way you are going to be 45, which scenario would you prefer?” She eventually went back to school, and completed a teaching degree! She took action.
Why is taking action so difficult? There are lots of reasons. One is that we constantly look for the perfect time. Guess what? There isn’t a perfect time. Go-getters take action when the opportunity arises and consequentially, good things start falling in place.
Many of us get so busy doing the necessary things that we forget to do the right things. We know we need to take action in our lives and in the lives of others, but unfortunately, it is as equally rewarding as it is discomforting.
Other times, we suffer from a deep-down lack of faith and a fear of failure. We tell ourselves, “yes, I should do it, but I don’t really believe I can,” or “someone should do something, but I just don’t think I am the right person.” When in reality, you are the right person and you can succeed.
And then of course, we have the P word: procrastination. Why do today what you can do tomorrow? Well, tomorrow isn’t promised. And if you’re a Christian, the Bible says, “Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do” (Proverbs 6:4 NLT).
In this month when we recognize Hispanic heritage, suicide prevention, kinship care, baby safety, child welfare workers, self-care, and more – we recognize the efforts individuals made when they saw a need, came together, and took action. We’re similar as well. CK Family Services exists because the Lunds received a call, saw a need, and took action. Now we spend our days carrying on the tradition of helping children and families, and helping heal our communities.
What else is your heart telling you needs to be done? What still, small, voice is speaking to you in the quiet? Don’t wait. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t doubt. TAKE ACTION!